Safety Care Group provides experts and LAB systems to perform Environmental services for customers’ businesses – to serve the needs of ambient monitoring (EIA – outside the enterprise) and the labor environment (inside the enterprise) Thereby supporting businesses to ensure environmental factors according to the law and optimize productivity for the workforce at the grassroots level.
Factors for choosing a comprehensive primary environmental service are defined lab systems and expert teams. Therefore, SCG is confident to support customers with unlimited environmental services by a diverse, reputable lab system – of international quality.. Simultaneously with the number of experienced and reputable professionals in the team covering the entire field of HSE customer support. In particular, SCG is ready to support the needs of 03rd party indicators and individual needs according to the situation from customers.
Environmental Services at Safety Care Group
1.4/ Legal grounds
2.3/ Sanctions regulations

What does the environmental services at Safety Care Group provide you with?
1. Surroundings (external environment)
SCG provides services to support the Company, Building, Works to assess the level of impact on the environment in accordance with the law. Support businesses in the categories of testing the level of toxicity and impact on the natural environment such as land, water, air, etc. We monitor and sample the environment to evaluate indicators that are within the permissible thresholds of legal regulations. Depending on each situation, the necessary indicators vary by project industry (Based on Decree No.40/2019/ND-CP), project scale and capacity (Based on Decree No.40/2019/ND-CP), Project implementation location (Applicable environmental standards), project progress (considering the addition of missing environmental products). From there, we will support businesses to set up a monitoring plan and evaluate the necessary indicators in accordance with the current situation of the business. SCG provides labor environment monitoring services to customers to ensure legal regulations and compliance with the current elements of the business and require customers to go through the product chain according to the process:
1.1 Project preparation (Reporting, Planning and Environmental Consulting)
Make the necessary reports to evaluate and come up with an environmental protection plan: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report
- Group 1: APPENDIX II, Decree No.40/2019/ND-CP: List of types of industrial production with risks of causing environmental pollution;
- Group 2: Column 3, Appendix II, Decree No.40/2019/ND-CP: List of projects required to make environmental impact assessment reports or projects, production, business and service plans that must be posted sign an environmental protection plan.
- Processing time: 30 – 45 days
The Environmental Protection Plan (EPEP) report is mandatory for the following bussinesses
- Column 5, Appendix II, Section I, Decree No.40/2019/ND-CP: List of projects for which environmental impact assessment reports must be made or projects and plans for production, business and services that must be registered with an environmental impact assessment report. environmental protection plan.
- Processing time: 10 days
Consulting on the design of an appropriate environmental system and network after the evaluation process in accordance with the current status of the client’s business:
- Clean water treatment system: Well water – Water used for daily life (bathing, washing, cooking…); Well water, tap water – Drinking water; Well water, tap water – Clean water has special properties as required by the manufacturing industry: PHARMACEUTICAL, FOOD, AQUARIUM…). In accordance with the standards: QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT, QCVN 6-1:2010/BYT.
- Wastewater treatment system: Project in an industrial zone (IZ): Discharge standard (wastewater after treatment) = Standard for accepting wastewater of the industrial zone; Projects outside Industrial Parks (IZs): Discharge standards (wastewater after treatment) = National standards set (QCVN) depending on the INDUSTRY and wastewater receiving area (Sluices, rivers, lake, etc.). In accordance with the legal standards: QCVN 14-2008-BTNMT; QCVN 40-2011-BTNMT.
- Exhaust gas treatment system:Exhaust gas from boiler, dust, solvent vapor, odor from production system, wastewater treatment station. In accordance with legal standards: QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT; QCVN 06:2009/BTNMT; QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT; QCVN 20:2009/BTNMT; QCVN 02:2008/BTNMT.
- Water supply network
- Wastewater collection network
1.2 Project construction (construction, installation and construction report)
Approving plans and consulting according to the actual situation of the business. To proceed with the implementation of project construction products:
- Report on environmental protection during construction
- Construction and installation according to plan
1.3 Project operation (testing, commissioning and operation personnel)
After the construction process, SCG continues to accompany customers through project operation services with the following items:
- Report on trial operation of environmental protection works
- Report on completion of environmental protection works
- Report on environmental protection during the working process
- Provide and train personnel to operate:
- Clean water treatment system,
- wastewater treatment system,
- exhaust gas treatment system.
1.4 Legal basis
Legal documents providing for legal documents:
- Law on Environmental Protection No.55/2014/QH13
- Decree No.18/2015/ND-CP – Environmental protection planning, strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment and environmental protection plan
- Circular No.27/2015/TT-BTNMT – On strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment and environmental protection plan
- Decree No.40/2019/ND-CP – Amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Decree detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection
- Circular No.25/2019/TT-BTNMT – Detailed regulations on the implementation of a number of articles of Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP
- Decree No.155/2016/ND-CP- Regulations on sanctioning of administrative violations on environment
- Decree No.80/2014/ND-CP – Drainage and wastewater treatment
- Decree No.38/2015/ND-CP – On waste and scrap management
- Decisions on STANDARDS OF SUPPLY WATER, WASTE WATER, WASTE GAS Working environment (indoor environment)
2. Monitoring the indoor environment
the working environment is one of the essential elements in the operation of an enterprise, including activities of collecting, analyzing, and evaluating data to measure factors in the environment. Take measures to minimize harm to health, prevent, and control occupational diseases, and thereby, help businesses improve labor productivity and reduce risk costs.
2.1 Working environment monitoring factors
Employees in the process of working and performing work are greatly influenced by objective factors of the external environment. Therefore, the monitoring of the working environment will examine and evaluate the factors affecting labor productivity and labor quality. The working environment monitoring process will assess factors including: Microclimate includes:
- Temperature, Wind Speed, Humidity, Heat Radiation
- Physical factors: Light, noise, vibration, radiation, electromagnetic field, etc.
- Psychophysiological factors and Ecgonomy
- Dust elements: respiratory dust, total dust, silicon dust, metal dust, etc.
- Elements of toxic gases: SO2, CO2, CO, etc.; Metal vapors (Pb, Cr, Ni, etc.); Organic vapors (benzene, Toluene, etc.)
2.2 Products and services of working environment monitoring provided by SCG
In order for enterprises to fulfill their legal obligations to employees. At the same time, identify factors affecting labor productivity and improve human resources SCG provides comprehensive services on working environment monitoring:
a. Monitoring – making reports on working environment monitoring: Systematic collection of samples to analyze concentrations of polluting wastes; Determination of physical, chemical and biological factors of the working environment; The contact conditions of the workers serve as the basis for improving the working conditions of the workers, improving the work efficiency.
b. Report on occupational hygiene records: : The basis for the employer to develop a plan to monitor the working environment, improve working conditions, and prevent occupational accidents and diseases.
The services provided by SCG will be in accordance with the current legal provisions to protect workers. Some legal documents applied in the category of working environment monitoring include:
- Law No.84/2015/QH13
- Decree No.44/2016/ND-CP
- Decree No.39/2016/ND-CP
- Decree No.140/2018/ND-CP
- Circular No.19/2016/TT-BYT
- Decree No.28/2020/ND-CP
Based on legal grounds, SCG will work with customers to carry out the monitoring of the working environment through a process of steps including:
- Step 01: Survey and consultation. Receive requests, collect information
- Step 02: Make an EMMP plan according to the situation at the enterprise. Quote on request.
- Step 03: Field observation, laboratory analysis
- Step 04: Make a report on the results of working environment monitoring. Prepare/Update occupational hygiene records (on request)
- Step 05: Return the report to the customer.
c. Prevention and assessment of the health and psycho-physiological status of employees, including:
- Occupational Medical Examinations
- Assessment of working places
- In-depth occupational psychological assessment
2.3 Penalty regulations
According to articles 20 and 26 of Decree No.28/2020/ND-CP on regulations on sanctions related to the working environment Enterprises will be subject to fines corresponding to the following acts:
- Fine of 500,000 – 1,000,000 VND: failing to make a dossier of working environment hygiene
- A fine of 2,000,000 – 5,000,000: failing to publicly announce to employees the results of working environment monitoring of hazardous factors at the workplace.
- A fine of 20,000,000 – 40,000,000 VND: not conducting monitoring of the working environment
- A fine of 40,000,000 – 60,000,000 VND: acts of cooperating with a working environment monitoring organization to commit fraud but not to the extent of criminal prosecution.
Therefore, if enterprises do not conduct monitoring of the working environment to control harmful effects on workers’ health, they may be fined from 40 to 80 million VND. At the same time, it is not possible to control the factors affecting employees that affect labor productivity. Are you ready to accompany Safety Care Group? Contact SCG for advice and support to implement your company’s environmental plans. With a system of LAB rooms and a team of experienced experts, SCG is ready to support you in performing environmental related services.